Ny text av Marika

Finn mig i mörkret. Hör hur jag andas. Fyll mig med drömmar.  Känn hur jag lyssnar. Var där för mig. Lämna mig inte ensam.

Hunger är bara ett ord

en signal från magen till hjärnan

som inte hittar fram.

Hunger blir bara ett ord

och inte en känsla.

Äta bör man annars dör man.

Men om man inte kan?

Dör man ändå?

Hunger är bara ett ord.

Ny text av Camilla


grenar som ger vika

för glänsande kulor

krasar i golvet

Alkoholiserade vuxna

skapar stämning

kyliga ord

som åska i luften

En tyst gestalt


i hörnet

dold av skuggor

Julklappar under granen

inslagna av affärsbiträden

dyra, önskade

men betydelselösa


smutskastande gräl

om ingenting

om allt

Tysta fotsteg

smyger sig ut

smiter, flyr

men måste gå

Djupa andetag

av vinterlugnet


och snöblandade tårar

En text av Lotta

A gift for you

This is a Christmas story about an Elf with a very different day ahead of him. It all began with a Christmas present, it was wrapped in blue paper and white ribbons.

The Elf that I mentioned before had a short break from all the work in the toy shop. He was tired and sad because he thought that life was unfair.                  
All his life he had made toys to children all over the world and never once had he himself got a gift. All he got was hard work and short breaks.

The Elf sighed and cupped his head with his hands. The white snow fell slowly around him and spread a crystal white sheet over the land.

All of a sudden there was a sound and a thump as something big and hard hit him on the head. The Elf didn't react until the thing hit the ground beside him.                           
Very slowly he turned his gaze to the thing beside him.

There in the foot deep snow laid a gift with blue paper and white ribbons, it was quite large and was probably quite heavy. The Elf didn't think that this happening was strange in any way.

I mean Santa don't have the time to stop at every house and place the Christmas gifts under the trees, if he did then that would take years.             
Now back to the Elf.

At first the Elf thought nothing of the strange gift that dropped down from the sky. But after a while he started to think.

Why would Santa drop a gift down here on the North Pole? There are no human children here? What if he dropped it?

The Elf jumped to his feet and started to inspect the blue gift. Nothing strange with it, excellent paper and the most expensive ribbon. But then he noticed the most important thing a gift should have.

Can you guest what it was? I couldn't when I was told this story. I thought real hard about it for a long time. A gift needs paper so the person who gets it doesn't know what it is, and the ribbon is important because it holds the paper in place. But what could be the most important thing. Well I will tell you, the most important thing on a gift is the name tag. Without it you won't know who the gift is for.

So our Elf gasped and ran around in panic. Never before had this happened to him. Never had he been so scared. He had found a gift that had no name written on it, and worst of all Santa had dropped it.  

After a while the Elf calmed down and thought that panicking wasn't the answer. So he thought real hard and came up with the only solution. He had to open the gift.

With shaky hands he reached for the ribbon and very slowly he opened the gift. When the work was done his eyes widened. He held his breath and stood completely still. He was frozen to the spot.

There before him lay the most beautiful sled he had ever seen. He had seen many sleds before but nothing as beautiful as this. It was made by the strongest wood and was colored with the most beautiful colors. It shone in red and brown and had almost an angel aura around it.

He stood there admiring the magnificent sled for a long time until he remembered his important task, Who was the gift for?                                       
With careful movements he inspected the sled. Every inch he looked for the missing name, but none could be found. He gave up, there was nothing more to do. Everything was lost, he had failed and would probably be kicked from the North Pole in a whim.

So he took the sled and went to the longest hill there was on the North Pole. And with a gleeful look on his face he jumped on the sled and speeded down the hill.

Never before had he felt such joy, never before had he felt so free. No work and no short breaks. From now on he would have long breaks and no work.   The ride didn't last very long and soon the Elf found himself at the bottom of the hill. He laughed so hard that he didn't notice the large shadow looming over him.

A loud cough though woke him from his fit. He froze and turned his head very slowly around. There behind him stood the Boss himself. It was Santa Claus. The Elf began to explain himself and said that nothing was his fault and that the gift was broken and that he had to open it to see if it needed fixing. Santa stared at him and soon began to laugh a heartwarming laugh.

"HO, HO, HO", he said and held his large hand on his stomach. "I know that nothing was your fault, the gift never missed a name tag because it never had a name tag."

The Elf stared at Santa and fell completely silent. "Then who's gift is it?" he asked and looked nervously on the large man.

"It is for you my dear friend, it is a Christmas gift to you"

The Elf looked stunned and could almost not believe what he had heard. "You mean I have got a Christmas present?"

"Yes and I think you should use it more before the moon comes up", Santa said and walked towards his slay. The Elf stood there watching the big man leave and then he ran up the hill with a loud laugh.

By: Lotta Lundin MP2 Rörligbild

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