Prolog av Marlene (inledning på längre text)


The wind swept beside her, guiding her through the entanglements of trees and shrubbery. The air was stale and she choked on it. Her legs gave way under her as she fell to the soft damp ground that had once been under the soles of her feet. Her hands caught her, sending shocks up through her arms and down her back. She let out a scream and scrambled up to start running again. She didn't let the limp in her right leg slow her down. Her long legs carried her further and further into the forest. The breeze lifted her up as she jumped and caught onto a branch. She heaved herself onto it and kept climbing the tall tree. The rough bark scratched the palms of her hands, blood stained the trunk. A frantic scream could be heard all around and she hoped that hadn't been her. A scream caught her breath as she froze in midmotion.

Please don't let this happen, please don't let this happen, she chanted as she closed her eyes. Her heartbeat pounded in her head, tried to free itself from her body. A crow beat its wings beside her and as it crowed she screamed. Her arms started flailing around her; she didn't want to be there, this couldn't be happening, not to her. The crows black wings beat at her, its beak pecked at her skin; beads of black blood welled up around her body and slid silently, deadly, down her white skin, falling to the ground. She screamed as she lost her grip and felt herself falling, falling, falling where? In one last frantic move she tried to grab onto something, anything that could save her.

Help me, was her last thought as her body landed on the soft ground. The crow flew off and her empty eyes stared up at the moon that shone down on her body. Her jogging clothes were ripped, exposing her milk-white skin drowning in pools and riveretts of dark blood. Her blonde hair had fallen around her, as if in a magical moment it decided to make this all beautiful. Her ice-blue eyes were glazed, her lips red from her own blood. Her limbs were at awkward positions, positions that a humans body should never have been able to accomplish.

The stars twinkled in the sky, the moon shone, the breeze blew gently. Trees whispered secrets, flowers slept, and in the midst of all this, was a fallen angel.


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